Betsy Banks Saul, MS; Heal House Call

Founder, HEAL House Call
founder, 911fosterpets

Betsy Banks Saul, MS | Founder,; Founder, HEAL House Call

Betsy Banks Saul is the co-founder of, one of the busiest web sites on the Internet. With a vision to change the way the public views shelter pets, Ms. Saul harnessed the infant technology of the Internet in 1996 and molded it into one of the most successful e-businesses to date.

Petfinder, which Ms. Saul describes as a "social profit company," is on a mission to see that no pet is euthanized for lack of a home. In November of 2006, joined forces with The Discovery Channel, greatly increasing's ability to help pets worldwide.

In 2013, Petfinder was acquired by nestle Purina. Ms. Saul remains on the Board of Petfinder foundation. Her newest venture is HEAL, a house call veterinary franchise.

Ms. Saul has been working with and volunteering to help animals since she was a teenager in Joplin, Missouri.

She received her bachelor's degree in biology from Missouri Southern State University and a master's in forest ecology from Clemson University.

She worked as an urban forester for the State of New Jersey, as an agriculture extension agent at Rutgers University, as a park ranger at Wrangell-St. Elias National Park in Alaska, and as a field scientist for the Army Corps of Engineers in South Carolina. Her work has always emphasized collaboration and consensus building. 

Ms. Saul shares her home in North Carolina with one dog, two cats, three senior horses, one sheep, two turtles and two goats.      


Heather Bacon, BSc (Hons), BVSc, CertZooMed MRCVS; Univ. of Edinburgh


Beaux Berkeley, MS, PhD; Independent Consultant