Approaches to Non-Surgical Fertility Control

What is non-surgical sterilization for cats and dogs?
We’re often asked this question. The answer: there is no single approach to controlling reproduction without surgery. The field is wildly diverse, complex, and (in our humble opinion!) fascinating. The brain, pituitary gland, and gonads are all vital to reproduction; this yields multiple potential approaches for temporary or permanent infertility in male and female cats and dogs.
In some cases, mammalian physiology makes it possible for a single approach to effectively suppress fertility across multiple species, dogs and cats included, and/or in both males and females. In other cases, a particular approach is possible for only one species or one sex.
The Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Gonadal Axis
The picture to the right shows a simplified version of the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis in both sexes. Interfering with any part of the axis will affect reproductive capacity. This diagram shows how different approaches target different parts of this system.
Key Approaches
Gene transfer and gene delivery
In a gene transfer approach, a gene (DNA in the form of a plasmid) is introduced into cells, usually by a one-time IM injection of an engineered viral vector, which carries the DNA to the cells of various organs such as the liver and muscle. The gene does not get integrated into the cell's DNA, but sits within the cell and is translated into a protein, and this protein is continuously produced over the life of that cell. Depending on the gene delivered, a variety of proteins may be expressed that can suppress animal reproduction, thus resulting in long-term or lifetime sterility. The large number of genes involved in reproduction provide many possible targets.
Sex steroids
Think of “The Pill” for dogs and cats. Use of sex steroid hormones, the most common of which are progestins (synthetic progesterone), for fertility control has been explored in both species. Available in oral or injectable forms, and effective at preventing pregnancy, they must be given on an ongoing basis and carry some significant risks, particularly with extended use.
GnRH agonists and antagonists
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists and antagonists target this key hormone for reproduction. GnRH agonists, commonly administered by implant, are further developed than antagonists for dogs and cats.
Gonad-Focused approaches
Sometimes referred to as “chemical castration,” this involves injecting a chemical agent into a male dog or cat’s testis, epididymis, or vas deferens to cause permanent azoospermia and sterility. To date, there are no viable non-surgical options directly targeting the female ovaries which are, obviously, less accessible being inside the body.
Immunological approaches
These approaches use a vaccine to stimulate the body’s immune system to produce antibodies to key proteins involved in reproduction.