Note: Zeuterin is no longer accessible.
Zeuterin was commercially launched in the U.S. in 2014, following approval and use in several other countries by the name EsterilSol. The product, which was manufactured by Ark Sciences, is not currently being produced or distributed in any country due to the manufacturer’s financial challenges. While there is presently no indication of returning to the market, the formulation retains approval by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA).

Zeuterin (also labeled as EsterilSol in some countries) sterilizes male dogs by intratesticular injection. Composed of zinc gluconate neutralized by arginine, Zeuterin offers sterilization in one treatment, without general anesthesia, and without removing testicles. Launched in the U.S. in February 2014 by Ark Sciences, LLC, Zeuterin is presently the only non-surgical sterilant with U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) approval.
Prior to U.S. launch, ACC&D sought to learn more about Zeuterin/EsterilSol and its potential to add value to sterilization efforts. We supported projects to explore its reception by communities, study its potential impact on canine behavior, and share innovative strategies to incorporate Zeuterin into animal shelters/rescues and veterinary practices in test market. The common thread among all these initiatives is ACC&D’s commitment to generate information about this new technology and help communities and individuals determine how it could best provide an alternative to castration, improve animal welfare and humanely reduce numbers of unwanted dogs. See below to access product materials and information.
Product Profile and Position Paper (4P): ACC&D's 4P offers an objective and independent overview of Zeuterin, including its mechanism of action; use and effectiveness; health, safety, and behavioral considerations; and more. A recommended first stop for information on this product.
"Neutersol" FOIA Summary: A resource available through the Freedom of Information Act summarizing product safety characteristics submitted to the US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) for approval. (Zeuterin has the same chemical composition as Neutersol but requires training and certification prior to purchase and use.)
ACC&D-Sponsored Zeuterin Field Studies: Between 2009 and 2012, ACC&D-supported field studies to contribute data on best practices and behavioral considerations related to use of Zeuterin (distributed as EsterilSol during the time frame of these studies) for male dogs.
Reports from the Field: When Zeuterin was available, several veterinarians, animal welfare organizations, and shelters incorporated the product as a complement to surgical castration. PAW Team, Animal Balance, and Wellness on Wheelz are organizations that embraced particularly interesting and innovative ways of using Zeuterin to treat more animals and save more lives. Though Zeuterin is not currently available, the ideas have application to other non-surgical approaches.