ACC&D Think Tanks

Gene Silencing Potential for Sterilization of Cats & Dogs

October 15-17, 2009

Use of interfering RNA (RNAi) and other technologies for gene silencing (which essentially involves “turning off” genes) is on the cutting edge of human medicine and shows promise in multiple therapeutic areas, including treatment of cancer, infectious and respiratory diseases, and neurodegenerative disorders. However, research on gene silencing for human medical applications has generally not explored targeting genes involved in reproductive control. This is particularly true when it comes to animals. ACC&D has identified this area as one with both promise and challenges, making it a prime topic for a Think Tank gathering of experts.

Experts tackle questions surrounding gene silencing for non-surgical sterilization of cats and dogs

Think Tank participants discussed pathways where inhibition of a gene might interfere with reproduction and fertility, including master reproductive hormone, germ cells, pheromone signals, fertilization, embryo implantation, and trophoblast/embryo support. You can learn more about conclusions and recommendations in our Think Tank report and 4th International Symposium presentation.

In subsequent years, the related field of gene transfer has been a focus of research for non-surgical fertility control, in large part thanks to support from the Michelson Prize & Grants Program. We encourage viewing the latest research in the proceedings from our 6th International Symposium, held in 2018.

Thank you to the Found Animals Foundation and the Animal Assistance Foundation for sponsoring this Think Tank!

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