Survey on Use of Megestrol Acetate during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Insights from those who used or considered using megestrol acetate during the Covid-19 pandemic’s early months 

In late March 2020, when many places were restricting spay/neuter surgeries due to the COVID-19 pandemic, ACC&D called attention to megestrol acetate (MA) as an emergency stopgap measure to contracept female cats while surgeries were on hold. In July and August 2020, as many locations resumed surgeries, we released a survey to  learn more about the utility of this drug from those who considered its use or chose to prescribe/use it in queens. 

We had about 100 completed surveys, roughly half from veterinarians or their staff, one-third from shelter or trap-neuter-return (TNR) administrators, and the rest from cat owners and caregivers. The vast majority of respondents (93%) did not end up using MA. Over 75% of reasons given for not using were logistics-related (able to spay, surgery delay not a problem, and not able to access the product were common reasons cited). Concern about side effects was listed as a reason by 37% of respondents. 54% of veterinarians and 43% of non-veterinarians noted they are very or somewhat likely to use MA in the future. 

Six survey respondents reported using MA in about 60 treated cats. All reported being satisfied with the results. Details on all results are available here.

If this survey is representative, we are disheartened that MA was not as helpful during this challenging time as we hoped it might be, especially for those unable to access it. However, it is not unexpected that other priorities may have dominated. Everyone had to adopt new practices during the roller coaster of pandemic-influenced operations and the first few months of adjusting to pandemic-related restrictions were a particular scramble. We continue to live with COVID-19 considerations, and it is likely that surgery delays will continue to exist or be seen again, related to COVID-19 or for other reasons. These anecdotal research results contribute to the base of ACC&D’s research on MA as an emergency measure for cat contraception. To reference that base of research and our recommendations, click here.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to participate. If you or someone you know has experience using MA for temporary contraception of female cats and have not completed the survey, please contact us.


Independent Study of Veterinarians Regarding Non-Surgical Sterilants & Contraceptives for Pets


Contraception and Fertility Control in Dogs and Cats (E-Book, 2013)